Rabu, 23 Januari 2013

[J264.Ebook] Ebook Free Zodiac Houses (KP Astrology Learning Series Book 2), by Bibhash Choudhary, Shikha Choudhary

Ebook Free Zodiac Houses (KP Astrology Learning Series Book 2), by Bibhash Choudhary, Shikha Choudhary

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Zodiac Houses (KP Astrology Learning Series Book 2), by Bibhash Choudhary, Shikha Choudhary

Zodiac Houses (KP Astrology Learning Series Book 2), by Bibhash Choudhary, Shikha Choudhary

Zodiac Houses (KP Astrology Learning Series Book 2), by Bibhash Choudhary, Shikha Choudhary

Ebook Free Zodiac Houses (KP Astrology Learning Series Book 2), by Bibhash Choudhary, Shikha Choudhary

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Zodiac Houses (KP Astrology Learning Series Book 2), by Bibhash Choudhary, Shikha Choudhary

The ecliptic is divided into twelve equal parts of thirty degree termed as the twelve signs of the zodiac.

The signs of the zodiac are quite independent of the place on the surface of the earth and results from dividing the twelve ecliptics into equal parts.

They should not be confused with the twelve houses of the horoscope, which are peculiar to each place and which result from dividing the celestial equator into twelve equal parts.

Therefore, by summing up the above, it may be concluded that the natural Zodiac of 360 degree is comprised of Twelve Houses referred as ‘natural Zodiac Houses’ which are of 30 degree each.

In this book, an attempt is made to explain and describe the following:
What each houses have in store for an native
What would be the experienced by the native when the lord of the houses are positioned in any of the zodiac houses.

Let us start with the First House/Bhava.

  • Sales Rank: #797826 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2016-03-05
  • Released on: 2016-03-05
  • Format: Kindle eBook

By Amritendu Mukhopadhyay
"This book deals with the theoretical background of KP astrology.Good book for self-learners. I liked it."
"It's a book on case studies. In the book different types ofastrological problems are analyzed. The authors are very clear about whichrules they are following and how those rules can guide us towards theconclusion in a step by step manner. Amazing book. Looking forward to have morebooks in this series."
"This book deals with the theoretical background of KP astrology.Good book for self-learners. I liked it."
"This is a wonderful book on KP astrology. The author has laiddown the rules clearly and then went on to the application part, where theyanalyzed charts following exactly those steps mentioned before and came to aconclusion. A very rare approach in the field of astrology."
By Suraj
"Its a great book. All things are placed in one place and is beingsupplied at cheaper price. Ruling Planets have been so appropriately explainedthat there is no ambiguity left out.Goood one"
By Indu
"This book encompasses all the requirements to do KPAstrology andpredicting daily events. Istrongly recommend this book to persons who want to learn astrology in few dayswithout having referred to many other books."
By Sushant
"A well written book with concept of Significators and RulingPlanets and Nodes have been separately dealt with .
After reading the book myconcept improved..................
Best Ruling Planet,Nodes and Significatortreatment mentioned 
Wish best of luck to theauthor.."
By Mangala Tripathi
"I really enjoyed reading this book as it gives a greatinformation about the planets and stars..This book is one of the best books ofAstrology I have ever read.In my opinion if you are interested in Astrology andwant to get beyond reading the news paper every day, reading this book shouldbe your first step."
By Ankit Ashokendu
"This book provides complete details of RULING PLANETS.
This has been explained ina very lucid manner and its practical application is very illustious. Thank YouSir for this publication."
By SK Singh
"As its name says it serves as "Complete Reference For KPAstrology".
Concepts are wellarticulated with elaborate examples."

From the Author
For details you can visit us at the following links:
Website: bibhashandshikha.com
Twitter: twitter.com/bibhash_shikha
Facebook: facebook.com/bibhashandshikha
Google Plus: plus.google.com/114371023473427026136
mailto: bibhashandshikha@gmail.com

About the Author
Bibhash is born on15th June'1982 in Kolkata, India. He is Chartered Accountant (CA) andCost and Management Accountant (CMA), Masters in Business Administration(EMBA), Licentiate of Insurance Institute of India (III) and Honours Graduatein Commerce.
 He is 'Certificate of Merit' recipient on KP Astrology from ShriK. Subramanian, Son of Guruji K.S. Krishnamurthy, who is the founder of KPSystem of Astrology. He is 'Jyotish Vidyanarb' from Viswa JyotishVidyapith; Fellow member of Astrological Research Project and a CertifiedParanormal Investigator(CPI).
 At present, he is working in Middle Management in one of theLargest Oil & Petroleum Marketing Company (Fortune 500) in India. Dueto his preoccupancy in Office work, he is assisted by his wife, Shikha foraccomplishing the astrology related articles, research or publication thereof.
Shikha is born on19th March 1990 in Bihar, India and is married to Bibhash.
 Shikha, an HonoursGraduate in Sociology from India is a keen learner of astrology and helpsBibhash in accomplishing astrology related research and articles during herleisure time.
 Shikha is a house wifeand she claims that KP System of astrology is the perfect and the accuratesystem amongst all branches of astrology in the world and can be learnedquickly under good mentorship of her husband.
 Bibhash and Shikha areblessed with a daughter Shubhra (Year 2011).

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[J264.Ebook] Ebook Free Zodiac Houses (KP Astrology Learning Series Book 2), by Bibhash Choudhary, Shikha Choudhary Doc

[J264.Ebook] Ebook Free Zodiac Houses (KP Astrology Learning Series Book 2), by Bibhash Choudhary, Shikha Choudhary Doc

[J264.Ebook] Ebook Free Zodiac Houses (KP Astrology Learning Series Book 2), by Bibhash Choudhary, Shikha Choudhary Doc
[J264.Ebook] Ebook Free Zodiac Houses (KP Astrology Learning Series Book 2), by Bibhash Choudhary, Shikha Choudhary Doc

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